
I strat this project because manipulating data and making plots in R can sometimes be annoying. One may just don’t get what they want exactly even though they have tried many times. The Internet is a great place to looking for help, like Google and Stackoverflow, but you still may get more of a general guidence rather than the exact solution. Furthermore, if you don’t record the problem and solution in an appropriate way, you may face the exact struggle somewhere in the future. It’s obviously very inefficient. Therefore, I wrote this package and plans to keep updating it by adding functions about processing and plotting data in R. I will also keep writing and updating blogs about using this package to solve real data analysis problems. Now this package assembles functions from commonly used R package in explanatory data analysis to build a toolbox that can be easily implemented even for beginners in this field. It has a designed emphasis on business analysis, so it is especially useful in cross-sectional data or panel data analysis. The package tries to balance between simplicity and flexibility. Most functions can be easily implemented while offering further control parameters to customerize result.

Category of functions:

The functions in this package is mainly distributed into the following three categories:

  1. Data Processing Functions: transfer between numerical and categorical data, impute missing values, and get special summary information.

  2. Data Visualization Functions: commonly used plots used to show patterns of data

  3. Data Analysis Functions: functions about basic data analysis

List of functions and their features:

The following table summarizes the available functions in the package and their features. It will be updated with the package.

Function’s Name Function’s Feature
Data Processing Functions
column_class() Separate features by categorical or numerical
num2ctg() Numerical variable to categorical variabel
ord_ctg2num() Ordinal categorical variable to numerical variable
nom_ctg2num() Nominal categorical variable to numerical variable by dummy
impute_missing() impute missing value by mice
Data Visualization Functions
bar_plot() Stacked bar plot for multiple categories
bubble_plot() Bubble plot with color and size showing more information
corr_check() Pairs plot to check correlation between variables
distribution_plot() Three plotting types to show distribution
donut_plot() Donut plot to show percentage
double_axis() Combine bar plot and line plot with double axis
facet_bar() Separate bar plots in small facet for multiple categories
horizontal_bar() Horizontal bar plot showing percentage
label_bar_plot() Bar plot with a small label
lines_plot() Basic lines plot with options
lines_split_plot() Using subplot to show series with different range
line_ann_plot() Line plot with information on turning points
polar_cahrts() Drawing radar plot
rank_plot() Rank change plot of categories over index
Data Analysis Functions
cal_pct() Calculate percentage of each category
get_rank() Get rank of each category
lin_predict() Linear extrapolation with trend DLM
plm_basic() Stepwise model selection for plm